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I'm an American woman in mid-life (if you assume I'll live more than 110 years). My body lives in Petaluma, California - a little north of San Francisco in Wine Country. But my brain spends a lot of time in Paris via books, movies, blogs and visits every 1 or 2 years. I dream about eventually moving there. However, my family does not share my Paris passion and prefers to occasionally travel to other locations: Turkey, Timbukto or even Lake Tahoe. And I doubt there is a tremendous demand in Paris for American family doctors who are not fluent in French. This blog is just one more step towards fulfilling my dream. Another is the plan to spend 3 months there in 2006 with other femmes d'un certain âge. One step at a time. How long will it take until I can live in Paris? How do you say 'geezer' in French?


Paris, Paris, Paris! Family Medicine, quilting, sewing and writing fiction