Hunting season has started here in Bourgogne (Burgundy). We stopped by a grand château to do some business and it happened to be the first day of hunting season. The caretaker had a large assembly of men, women, barking hunting dogs, and much food and beverage set out around his house for this big event. At dinner the night before, our host talked excitedly about his hopes to bag a sanglier (wild boar). They are much smaller here in Burgundy than in the hills of Northern California. The Baron of the château told us people dig pits on his property to trap sanglier. We’re hoping a successful hunter invites us over for dinner to sample his sanglier meat.
We are in a rural area of La France Profonde where people still hunt, fish and follow the old ways. In the local tabac/presse we found a large assortment of hunting magazines, including one devoted just to hunting sanglier:
My friend had to obtain insurance for a recently purchased car so we visited L’Assurance office. While she completed her paperwork, I discovered further evidence we were in Hunting Territory: