Remembrance Day...Arnistice Day...Veterans Day...
Veteran's Day began as a remembrance of the end of the First World War on the Western the eleventh hour on the eleventh day of the eleventh month of 1918. We don't do a very good job in the United States of remembering. It's a different story in France which was devastated by that war.There are memorials everywhere. Most small towns have a monument in their center square listing the names of those lost in that war, often with the addition of those lost in subsequent wars.
Did you see the recent coverage of Hubert Rochereau's bedroom in Bélâbre, central France? He was a soldier who died in WWI on Flanders fields in Belgium on April 26, 1918. His parents kept his room exactly as it was when he left for the battlefront. Subsequent owners of the home have continued this remembrance.
Paris buildings are studded with historical plaques, especially ones noting where fighters were killed during WW2.
This is the one that affects me the most:
I think it's because of his age, 21, and because they included his nickname. I kept wondering about Fifi Feferman and finally researched him. His family fled anti-semitism in Poland when he was 2 years old. He was said to be gifted and wanted to be a journalist and poet until the war intervened. He was active in the Resistance, commiting many acts of sabotage against the Germans and French collaborators. Fifi was felled at 58 rue des Petites Écuries in the 10th arrondissement where you can find this plaque.
In the spirit of remembrance, I offer you this link to a fabulous film, Royal Cousins at War, about how WWI came to be: