I'm a fiend for onamatopoeia, words that imitate the sound they describe. You might imagine they would be the same or similar in most languages, but they aren't. Sometimes they sound the same, but are spelled differently. A sampling of French onomatopée:
Achoo Atchoum
Bang Bang/Boum
Bla-bla-bla patati-patata
Boo (to scare) Hou
Boo-hoo ouin-ouin/snif-snif
Boom boum
Brrr Brrr/ gla-gla
Burp Rot
Crash Patatras
Fart sound prout/pête
glug-glug glouglou
gulp gloup
Haha haha/hihihi/héhéhé
Honk-Honk pouët-pouët
Huh Hein
Knock-knock Toc-toc
lub-dub Bom-bom/Poum-poum
nah/so-so/whatever Bof
oops/whoops oups
oops-a-daisy Houp-là
ouch/ow aïe/ouille
pee-yew/pee yoo pouah
phew ouf
shhhh chut
splat ploc
splish splash flic floc
splash plouf
tick tock tic-tac
ugh pouah
yawn ouaaah
yikes zut
yippee youpi
yoo-hoo cou-cou
yuck beurk
yum-yum miam-miam
um euh/ ben
zzzz Rrrrrr/Rrrron
What onamatopoeic words have I missed in English or in French? Add to the list, s'il vous plaît.....